J. Littles – Heaven In The Sky

J.Littles - Heaven In The Sky

J. Littles – Heaven In The Sky

Check out the latest visual by J. Littles “Heaven In The Sky”, the artist continues to grow and master his craft on this latest hip hop offering. The video adds to J. Little’s wide-ranging oeuvre. The strength of the track is accompanied by the melodic hook, “Somebody told a lie, said heaven is in the sky”; that blends well with the artist free flow ability. J. Little’s has a ability to craft consciousness of the old school days of cassettes players and 90’s hip hop era with both the video and the lyrical content. Keep a look out for more content from Jersey’s J. Little’s has to offer this year off his 7DayCleanse Ep.

J. Littles – Heaven In The Sky


J.Littles Live At Santos Party House


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