Fabricated Lifestyles X Melanie

Fabricated Lifestyles X Melanie

Since we love to shoot in NYC, we decided to shoot this one in Chinatown because its a neighborhood drastically different from others in Manhattan. Just by the aesthetics of the culture, lettering on the signs and also having the largest population of Chinese people of any Chinatown in the states made a very good locationFabricated Lifestyles X Melanie to shoot because it created very good contrast between the model and neighborhood. For the shoot I called up Rita Monroe’s friend Melanie, her hair and make up was done by Rita Monroe,
stylist was the model herself, and behind the scenes shootwas by one of my assist John Silva. At this shoot we had a great time stopping and posing as we walk through the streets of Chinatown using my Nikon D7000 with a 50mm Nikkor lens. Check out the images below and tell me what you think….


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